Social Media Etiquette
In the recent years social media has been a blessing and a curse to the current societies, it connects us with people worldwide, allows us to explore and learn new things, but it can also be used to harm and deceive people. That's where social media etiquette comes into play, it's a guideline on how people should behave online to preserve reputations and allow for everyone to have a safe space on where they can be. Stating that people should remain respectful, accept everyone for who they are, proper copyright, content sharing, no false advertisement, and being a responsible human being. So for this weeks assignment, we had to elaborate on social media etiquette using a professional on how by not following the guidelines as led to it affecting their personal life/professional life.
I chose J.K. Rowling, as a lover of the Harry Potter series I found it ironic on how she ruined or tarnish her professional life through social media. The Harry Potter series focused on accepting other people's differences as tyrannical villain that was motived on the pure beliefs of preserving "pure blood" and yet, she spoke ill of transgender people and not accepting them for who they were. This all started with just a simple tweet on Twitter (known as X now) when she decided to tweet her views on it during Pride Month of 2020 (again ironic). Although, she is in her right to voice her opinions as a freedom of speech she didn't need to go about tweeting back at her fans for stating their disappoint in her after this and boasting on how she doesn't care and all her money is already made.
Truly, it showed her real colors and how distasteful she is even after writing such a generational revolting novel on loving and accepting others differences. Even now after three years, she still hasn't apologized for her actions and to my knowledge hasn't even bothered to delete those post. People are still boycotting her for her actions, and still waiting for her to learn and understand that her words have actions on them that can harm others.
It's very important for everyone to learn about social media etiquette, a lot of times it's just given to us and we don't understand the consequences to our actions. We don't even realize what we said could've harmed someone else or what we posted many years ago can comeback and bite us in the future when looking for a job, going to college, or even hurting those close to us. Social Media is growing by the day, and it's something we truly can't stop we will just evolve with it. Just to leave you with a final thought, before posting think, it is appropriate? Is this something I would want my parents, employers, or college admissions to see? Will this harm others or myself in the future? Do I want this post/image to follow me around for the rest of my life?
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